People all over the world are flying into London right now (not me unfortunately). Why? Because all this weekend is the Star Wars Celebration: Europe!
That’s right – all this weekend, nerds like me are freaking out and gathering in hoards to celebrate one of the most epic movie sagas of all time.
But it’s not just the movies they’re celebrating – it’s the story. They’re celebrating what makes Star Wars so great: story. Right next to lightsabers.
If you want people to congregate around you, your business, your products, you’ve got to give them something epic. I’m not saying we’ll all create a Star Wars or Lord of the Rings caliber product or service, but we can aim for it. And we should!
It all starts with an idea, that spark, that inspiration. That’s where the story begins. You’re a genius, no doubt. If you’re trolling the internet reading blogs on business, growing your brain and business muscles learning, reading books, you’re on your way (if you’re not there already) to becoming great. So take that idea and nurture it. Explore what you can do to hit the pain point in every person’s life, like Star Wars did.
Why was Star Wars such a hit? It’s debatable. But in my opinion, it’s because in all of us, there’s a Han, a Leia, a Luke, an Obi-Wan, and yes – a Chewy and Darth Vader. All the characters encompass a little of each of us. We see ourselves in all of them and at some point, we’ve all been the down and out, underdog farm boy, and at some other point, we’ve all strived to be and have become the hero. Somewhere along the journey, we’ve been the villain and it’s also nice to know, some has also rescued us – even from ourselves.
Create your story. Build the product or service that people can’t get enough of by simply reflecting the needs they have, meeting them where they are, and showing them the path to greater things.