Sometimes you just need a little…

There are times where you just need inspiration. To work, to write, to go to meetings – to get out of bed in the morning! Whatever the case may be, there are days we all simply need a little pick-me-up.

Recently, I’ve been going through one of those ‘stuck in the valley’ moments. I’m definitely not on top of the hill at least. It’s at these points I start reading more blog posts than I ought to. But I’m glad I did. One specific post – it could have been a compilation of reading a number of inspiring ones and this one finally rung my bell – reminded me I’m normal. How silly is that? But sometimes we need to hear it. I know I’m normal, but I often think I need to do crazy amounts of things in a day and wonder why I’m going crazy at the end of it. Not to mention burnt out.
But reading that post gave me the boost I needed to jump back up and try again. It re-inspired me and reminded me I really do love what I’m doing. It gave me the pick-me-up I didn’t know how desperately I needed.

And that’s one of the many wonderful things you can offer your clients, no matter your industry.

Blogging, article writing, newsletters – they’re not just about trying to push a product or service, they’re first and foremost about connecting with your readers. You have a captive audience ready and willing to be connected with. And since you are a person too, as the author of the aforementioned mediums, you have the opportunity to connect with them on a personal level, not just a business one.

Sure, sometimes they may be close to the same thing. But what separates them can be the experience you share when you write. Everyone has frustrations, bad days, jubilations, and wins. So do you. Don’t be afraid to share them. You don’t know who your words will make the difference for.