It’s the voice that commands respect and declares authority. The one that causes people to nod their head when they hear it and comes to mind when they hear your name. It causes women to faint and men to buy you drinks…okay, may not that.
It’s not the presidential voice or the empathetic voice. While both of those are important and at times, needed, the only voice you’ll ever need – is your own.
That’s right. Call me a trickster or con artist, but it’s true. The voice that I described above, the voice that has that power, is your own. Believe it or not, when you find your voice and are free to be yourself and shine before clients, colleagues, and potential customers, you become like a beacon everyone will gravitate toward and remember.
The two previous posts this month gave you a couple practical exercises on developing your voice. How’d they go? Here’s another thought or two to consider:
What do you want to be known for? When people think of you and your business, what do you hope will come immediately to mind?
Have you identified what that is? Good! Now, here’s your action item for the week:
- Write it down and stick it somewhere you’ll see it every day.
- With that idea in mind, let it influence how you act, write, and respond to others.
- Let it play a role in the images you upload, the posts you make, and the events you attend.
All of this contributes to voice. Voice is not just audible. Voice is an embodiment, a representative, of you as a person and as a business.
Voice is the footprint you leave behind.
Let the impression be memorable and what others can smile about and build hopes upon.